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Showing posts from April, 2023

Recipe for Reading: How to Create a Reader

 Recipe for Reading: How to Create a Reader Ingredients 1 teacher with knowledge of reading science 1 solid program Unlimited doses of high-quality instructional delivery Multiple opportunities to respond Plentiful meaningful practice opportunities (amounts will vary) Generous sprinkling of specific, affirmative praise Several dashes of corrective feedback (to taste) Start with one teacher who has growing knowledge in the science of reading and an appetite for learning. Mix in a reading program that includes explicit, systematic phonemic awareness and phonics instruction as well as instruction in language comprehension (background knowledge, vocabulary, language structures, verbal reasoning, literacy knowledge). Fold in instructional delivery that is efficient and effective. Whisk with a brisk pace and allow students 3-5 response opportunities per minute. Students should be saying, writing, and doing. Blend in a judicious amount of meaningful practice opportunities. This part is critic